
Options for Cremation in San Diego

Today many people are choosing cremation over a traditional burial. Many of our clients at Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation ask that we include in their advance health care directive provisions that they prefer cremation and want their ashes scattered at a designated location or at the discretion of their agent.

San Diego has a lot of wonderful options because of our beautiful setting near the ocean. Many people prefer their ashes scattered in the ocean. California law requires that cremated remains must be scattered at least 500 yards from the shore. There are many boats for hire in San Diego from boats as small as rowboats to speedboats to 65 foot private luxury yachts complete with refreshments. You can choose to view a scattering from shore or conduct a ceremony out in the water, with video or digital pictures.

Also popular in San Diego is the paddle-out for surfers. The paddle-out came from the Polynesian tradition of paddling out into the ocean, forming a circle, and remembering the loved one with flowers or leis.

In San Diego there are also small planes that will scatter ashes in such places as La Jolla, Catalina, Big Bear, or even Sedona or the Grand Canyon. You can’t go along for safety reasons, but there are some viewing sites from which you can observe the scattering.

Whatever the final arrangements are that you prefer can be set forth forth in your estate planning documents so your loved ones can fulfill your wishes and remember you in the manner you would have wanted. For health care directives and all aspects of estate planning, contact us if you would like a complementary consultation.

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