
Procrastination and Estate Planning

There are many reasons why people delay creating an estate plan. One of the primary reasons is that it just doesn’t rise to the top of their “To Do” list. It is something they know they should do but they think they have plenty of time to do it. How much time do you have to procrastinate?

A fun life expectancy calculator lets you plug in information about your family history, accidents, cholesterol, use of alcohol, diet, lifestyle etc. to come up with a your life expectancy. Hoever, don’t let the fact that you have another 30 or 40 years to go prevent you from creating an estate plan now.

At Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation we can help you create an estate plan now and it will be one less thing to take care of on your “To Do” list. Call us or e mail us for a free in-house consultation.

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