
The Will Debuts on the Discovery Channel

A new series on the Discovery Channel is called The Will: Family Secrets Revealed. It is an eight part series on the wills (or lack thereof) of various people depicting the drama of some families after a death in the family. Throughout the series, each one hour episode will show the most curious and contentious real life stories of what happened after a loved one’s death, complete with conspiracy, mystery, tension, and turmoil.

Coming up are segments about the Estate of Doris Duke who left her butler an estate worth 1.2 billion, the estate of Kitty Tipton Oakes who died without a will, and the estate of actress Joan Crawford who left nothing to her two children who you may recall wrote the book Mommy Dearest.

Interesting viewing which highlights the importance of estate planning. Many of these stories involve people who either wrote no will or wrote one that was later challenged. There are right ways and wrong ways to disinherit beneficiaries and techniques to minimize possible litigation after your death. Contact us at Law Office of Scott C. Soady, A Professional Corporation to discuss creating an estate plan which will fulfill your goals and minimize any drama after your death.

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